Test Cases For CAPTCHA

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Test Cases For CAPTCHA

Table of Contents

Captcha is used to prevent any attack. Captcha is used on the form submission. Register, login, forgot password and support page.

  1. Verify the time duration in which the captcha is loaded on the webpage.
  2. Test captcha should not be by passed by clicking on the captcha multiple time when the captcha is not loaded and shown on the webpage during web page loading.
  3. Check the time out for the Captcha. The time in which the captcha become unchecked.
  4. Test the captcha on slow internet. An invalid captcha error message should not be shown.
  5. Verify the captcha and click on the submit button two times. It should not display an invalid captcha error.
  6. Verify every time a new captcha should be shown on page reload.
  7. Verify user IP is blocked on attempting an invalid captcha after the defined number of attempts.
  8. Verify captcha is placed on the required web page.
  9. verify captcha added is aligned or not.
  10. Verify captcha is shown on ad blockers or not.
  11. Verify captcha working on adblocker or not.
  12. verify webpage accepts the valid captcha or not.
  13. Verify that the user can request for new captcha without the page loading option is present or not.
  14. Verify an audio option is added for the captcha or not as per the requirements.
  15. Verify new captcha is generated in case if the user adds the wrong captcha.
  16. Verify an error message shown when page timeout for the captcha.
  17. Verify an error message should be shown in case if the captcha is not filled by the user.
  18. Verify a proper error message is shown in case if the user not fills the captcha correctly.
  19. Verify an error message is shown in case if the captcha is partly filled by the user.


Test case related to Image Captcha


  1. Verify image in the tile is shown on click on the check box or not.
  2. Verify the images are clearly visible to the user or not.
  3. Verify tile images shown on captcha are clickable or not.
  4. Verify that the captcha is loaded properly on the web page load.


Test case related to Digit/Code captcha


  1. Verify captcha code is clearly visible or not.
  2. Verify code shown should be in image form or not.
  3. Verify user can not copy and paste the captcha verification code from the image.
  4. Verify captcha code is clearly visible to the user.
  5. Verify captcha should display code clearly between zero 0 and O o, 5 and S.
  6. Verify captcha code should be case sensitive (Upper and Lower case).