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Test cases for Pagination

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Test cases for Pagination

  1. Verify that pagination is shown on the page load.
  2. Make sure that the default page should be selected on the page load.
  3. Check proper space should be added for clicking on the links and buttons for both mobile and desktop screens.
  4. Verify color should be changed on mouse hover on the links and next, previous buttons or not.
  5. Make sure the selected page should be highlighted to show the selected tab is open.
  6. Verify the font size and color for the pagination should be same as per design and requirement.
  7. Make sure data should be sorted according to the desired order.
  8. Check user selected index number should be highlighted or not.
  9. Ensure that the required number of rows or data should be shown per page accurately.
  10. Test total count number in pagination should be updated as more data comes in the grid or table.
  11. Test all the links should be functional by clicking on the numbers, next and previous buttons.
  12. Verify accurate results should be generated by clicking the buttons.
  13. Make sure that no extra number should be shown in the pagination.
  14. Test the data loading time on the page as the user clicks on the links.

Next and previous button’s test cases in pagination

  1. Verify whether the previous and next buttons are shown with the pagination or not.
  2. Test correct data should be loaded by clicking on the next and previous buttons.
  3. Make sure that the previous button should not clickable when the first page is activated.
  4. Check the next button should not be clickable on the last page of pagination.

First and Last button test cases

  1. Make sure on clicking on the First page very the first and the default page should be shown.
  2. The end page should be shown in case the user clicks on the Last button.

Test cases for pagination with Filter

  1. Make sure functionality for the pagination should not be disturbed if filter options are available and implemented by the user.
  2. Test data is shown accurately in the table if filters are selected.
  3. Check correct data should be updated for the next and previous buttons as the filters implemented

Pagination With Manual Page Input

  1. Verify correct page should be loaded if the user adds the number of the page in the input box.
  2. Make sure the correct data should be loaded by entering the page number.

What is pagination?

The pagination is used for splitting data and content into separate pages. The main purpose of using pagination is to display a large amount of data in an organised, manageable and tractable way.

Pagination is used mostly on web applications to handle large data such as results and reports.

What are the Component of pagination?

Pagination contains page numbers and next and previous buttons. Users can access any required data directly by clicking on the page numbers.

Advantages of using pagination

  1. Improved User Experience
  2. Fast Loading Speed
  3. Better Organization
  4. Better Accessibility
  5. Better Analytics

Overall, pagination can help improve the user experience, increase site performance, and provide valuable insights and analytics.