Functional Test Cases
- Verify by clicking on the text area gif (image) should be hidden.
- Verify gif (image) shown again if the user clicks outside the text area on the web page.
- Verify that click on the text area, the cursor shown in the input section on a single click. Not First gif hide, then again click on the text area to write.
- Verify that the text area is functional in case of any validation error message shown.
- Verify if keyboard shortcut keys enable on the text area. User can copy, cut or paste and select content on shift + Arrow Keys.
- Verify Backspace, delete keys should functional.
- Verify user can type in the text area after clicking in the text area.
- Verify user can paste the copied content with keyboard keys Ctrl + v.
- Verify on click on the copy to clipboard, copied the same content with the same format from the result section in the text area.
- Verify Html code not be implemented in the text area or the result section on click on the Submit button. For example <H1> Hello </H1>
- Verify Java Script code not be implemented in the text area or the result section on click on the Submit button. For example <script>alert(“123”)</script> an alert should not be shown.
- Verify error message shown by uploading a file containing JavaScript and Html code mixed with content.
- Verify the input text area protected from the SQL injection.
- Verify the format should be same of the copied content and paste on the other or same text area.
- Verify if the user copy/pastes highlighted content, then don’t display the copied content highlighted.
- Verify user can paste the content with the help of mouse, by right-clicking and select the paste option in the text area.
- Verify content uploaded by drag and drop a file in the text area.
- Verify user can upload the file on the text area successfully.
- Verify word count update on paste content in the text area.
- Verify on paste text by right click on the mouse, word count updated.
- Verify user can add alphabetic or alphanumeric and special characters.
- Verify user can add content on both cases lower and upper.
- Verify the maximum content limit applied.
- Verify the minimum content limit applied.
- Verify an error message appears if the user adds spaces and click on the button.
- Verify by pressing spaces on the text area, horizontal scroll bar not added. At the end of the text area, space added but cursor remains blink.
- Verify on paste content no extra space added with any word on the text area.
- Verify text area become enable after getting the result or as per requirement.
- Verify input should not remove from the text area after getting a result or as per requirement.
Design Test Cases
- Verify width and height for the text area.
- Verify by moving the mouse cursor to all input text boxes. The cursor should change from an arrow to an insertion bar.
- Verify horizontal and vertical scroll bar added or not according to requirement.
- Verify if the functionality for horizontal and vertical scroll bar working properly by pasting content.
- Verify place holder text aligned in the text area.
- Verify place holder text visible in the text area.
- Verify the clear text icon aligned with the text area.
- Verify place holder text should be clear and the cursor shown on click.
- Verify place holder text meaningful and informative for the user.
- Verify the spellings and grammar for the place holder text.
- Verify the text area should be locked and fixed. Don’t let the user resize the text area.
- Verify if the user can add and process duplicate content.
- Verify tooltip added and shown if required.
- Verify mouse hover functionality if added.
- Verify clear text icon present in the text area.