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Test Cases For Registration

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Test Cases For Registration

  1. Verify by clicking on the submit button for blank input.
  2. Test Html injection for the name field on the registration page. For Example, add any HTML tag <u>Name</u> in the name field and click on the Register button. Html should not be implemented. Only the user name should be save.
  3. Verify all fields related to registration present on the registration form.
  4. Password field should have validation for minimum 8 to maximum 16 characters, must contain one special character, at least one uppercase character, and have a numerical.
  5. Verify password added by the user should be protected, encrypted and shown in asterisk(***).
  6. Verify whether the validation added for password and confirm password are same or not. 
  7. Verify an eye icon added on the password and confirm password field.
  8. Verify by clicking on the eye icon password should be shown for both password and confirm password fields.
  9. Verify captcha added on the form or not. Captcha added due to security. Hidden or visible may be added according to need.
  10. Verify example or dummy data shown as place holder text in the fields. It helps the user to register their account without facing any issue.
  11. Verify user added information not removed from the fields in case of any validation fails. Can be done when client-side validation implemented.
  12. Verify possible validation should be done on the client-side whenever possible.
  13. Verify that validation added on the email field, only valid email should be allowed to register successfully.
  14. Verify that the user adds blank spaces and click on the register button an error message should be shown.
  15. Verify that the user can navigate or access the different controls by pressing the ‘Tab’ key on the keyboard.
  16. Verify user can register successfully by enters valid credentials.
  17. Verify that user not allowed to register an account with same registered email by adding plus for example [email protected].
  18. Test by trying to register with an already registered email address. 
  19. Verify email verification link sent to the user email address successfully.
  20. Verify that the user should not be able to access the application, software or pro features until the user verifies its email by clicking on the link sent in the email.
  21. Verify the user is informed to check spam folder if no email link found at inbox.
  22. Verify Resend Link option present if the user did not receive the link in the email.
  23. Verify resend email link become disable if the user continuously clicking on the Resend Link. Set a limit max five times to send link then give the user a rest.
  24. If the user signup with email and social platform and both have the same email, consider it one email uniquely not the two separate accounts.
  25. Verify that the required fields are not filled in and clicking the Register button will result in a validation error message.
  26. Verify all spellings mistakes on the Register page.