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What is JIRA?

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What is JIRA?

JIRA is an online project management tool that is widely used in software development. JIRA is used for assigning tasks, bug reporting, and reported issues tracking in project management. JIRA is used by teams and organizations to plan, track and release software products. JIRA makes prioritization and tracking the tasks and bugs easy.


What are the Features of the JIRA?

  • JIRA is a Project Management
  • Assign tasks
  • Screenshots, videos and files can be uploaded as an Attachment and evidence
  • JIRA tool is available in Multi-lingual
  • Number of Project Templates available
  • Strong Search options available from quick to advance
  • Bug reporting
  • Issue tracking
  • Email notifications
  • Addons and integrations of different tools
  • Provide Reports
  • Easy to adapt
  • Mobile application
  • Communication Fastly


How to Use JIRA?

Start using JIRA by creating the projects and creating the tasks on the project. 


How to Create the Project on JIRA?


  1. Register Your JIRA account
  2. Create a new custom project or select a project from the variety of templates
  3. Create tasks, issues or bugs for organizing and managing the project.
  4. Create a sprint and add tasks and issues in the sprint.
  5. Monitor your project by viewing on sprint
  6. Integrate tools if required for example slack.


How to Create a ticket in JIRA?

Creating a ticket in JIRA is a very easy process. Just following the below steps.

  1. Log in to your JIRA account by adding valid credentials.
  2. Select the required project in which you want to create a ticket.
  3. Click on the blue color “Create” button shown on your screen. As you click on the create button a popup is shown displaying the project name.
  4. Select the issue type which is task, bug or story from the dropdown
  5. Select To Do status for the ticket.
  6. Add a summary of the issue to a task that needs to be done.
  7. Add a detailed description of the required task or bug detail.
  8. Set priority of the required task. Priority can be set from Highest, High, Medium, Lowest and Blocker.
  9. Add attachments if required like design, instruction document, screenshots or video as evidence.
  10. Assign tasks to the team member.
  11. Finally, click on the “Create” button to successfully create and save the ticket.

Some of these steps may vary according to project needs. As the ticket is created, it will be added to the relevant project and can be managed and tracked as required.


How to Create Sub Task on JIRA?


To create a sub-task in JIRA, follow these steps:

  1. Open the main ticket in which you want to create a sub-task.
  2. Under the summary of the open ticket, Create Subtask link is shown. Click on the Create Subtask to create a subtask for a ticket.
  3. Add a summary and click on the Create button to create a subtask.
  4. Add a description, and attachment and set priority for the subtask.
  5. Assign a subtask to the required team member.


Subtask is linked with the main issue as created. And the subtask can be managed by accessing the main ticket. Subtask is created to split the major or more time taking tasks into executable small components. Aim of the creating the subtask is to ensure the whole work is complete.

These steps may vary according to the JIRA version and project settings.


How to create a sprint in JIRA?

To create a sprint in JIRA under the scrum or kanban project, follow the steps mentioned below.


  1. Click on the Backlog on the sidebar on the JIRA project
  2. To start a new sprint click on the Start Sprint button on the top right of the dashboard. A start sprint popup will be shown.
  3. Add the sprint name, Duration of the sprint, start and end date and sprint goal.
  4. Click on the Start button after adding the information to start a sprint.
  5. Now start planning the tasks and bugs that need to be completed in the newly created sprint with stakeholders.
  6. Assign tasks to the team members

After creating the sprint, you can monitor the status of the work using the Agile boards in JIRA.