Test Cases For Uploading an Image
- Verify Upload Image button is clickable or not.
- Verify whether the entire button with button text is clickable or not.
- Verify button displaying text Upload Image.
- Check upload icon with the button text is added or not.
- Make sure that the icon must be aligned with the button text.
- Verify upload image/file popup is open or not by clicking on the upload image button.
- Verify by clicking on the cancel button upload image popup closed or not.
- Verify that an image uploaded contains space or a special character in the image name.
- Verify the image name is shown on uploading an image or not.
- Verify image size is shown or not with the uploaded image.
- Verify the order of the uploading images same as the image uploaded.
- Verify validation for max image size enabled or not.
- Verify that a complete error message is shown on uploading an image of the maximum allowed file size.
- Verify check added for uploading an image of invalid file type or extension or not.
- An error message should be shown as the user tries to upload an image of an invalid extension.
- Verify as the user upload an image loader with the button added or not as per requirements.
- Verify the time duration for uploading an image.
- Inspect system supports multiple image uploading at once or not.
- Verify the behaviour of the system on uploading the same image again.
- Verify uploading by drag and drop image functionality working or not.
- Verify image should not be open on the browser on dropping an image.
- Verify image should not be downloaded in the browser on dropping.
- Verify user can remove the image and upload a new one or not.
- Verify after uploading an image the system redirects to the desired page or not.
- Verify the image extension includes .jpg, .png, .gif, and jpeg etc.
- Verify image name should be shown in the tooltip if the image name is extra long.
That was really good test case