Test Cases For Header Section
Header section for a website is very important displaying major functionality of your website. Header section decide
- Verify header section added on the website.
- Verify header section is aligned.
- Verify icons aligned with the text if added on the header.
- Verify icons added should be related to the link text.
- Verify links text should be readable or not.
- Verify the logo of the website added on the header is align or not.
- Verify the same header used on whole website pages.
- Verify header is sticky on the whole page or fixed as per requirements and design.
- Verify all links should be opening on the header or not.
- Verify on click on the link on the header the correct page should be open.
- Verify the home page should be open on clicking on the logo on all pages.
- Verify on mouse hover colour change or not for the link added on the header menu.
- Verify selected header links should remain ACTIVE to inform the user about the clicked screen/page.
- Verify search bar is added on the header menu or not.
- Verify header and body section should not look the same. The header and body section must distinguish.
- Verify icon colour should also change on mouse hover on the header if icons added.
- Verify dropdown options added on header shown on mouse hover or click.
Additional For Mobile view
- Verify header aligned on mobile view.
- Verify logo aligned on the mobile view.
- Verify sidebar added for the mobile view to display all links.